19th Drugstores Association of the Philippine National Convention (DSAP)
September 9-11, 2015 at Taal Vista Hotel Tagaytay City
Theme: Converge Align Reform Yes to Standardization
The Drugstore Association of the Philippines (DSAP) is a strong and unified association of 15 known drugstore owners in the Philippines. The original fifteen participants formally organized what now is known as the Drugstore Association of the Philippines, having elected their initial set of officers on April 14, 1984. The DSAP has participated in deliberations with the Department of Heath, BFAD, House of Representatives, Senate of the Philippines and other government agencies, as well as private offices & organizations. The association also spearheaded several civic and humanitarian projects & training programs which seek to teach both new & old drugstore owners on the more modern operational methods courtesy of participating drug companies. Of course, the social affairs like annual national convention and exhibits every September were never missing, for it was always in the spirit of camaraderie and friendship that the officers and members of DSAP continue its untiring task of uniting the thousands of drugstores all over the country.